Time Management Skills 101: 10 Examples to Master Your Schedule

Author: Madalina Roman

Often feel like you’re missing deadlines, missing out on personal opportunities or the chance to advance in your career, be promoted due to a lack of time management skills?

It’s hard to know if you’re really making good use of your time, I know. It probably seems like you’re working hard and you’re stressed out. What we all know is that if we’re improving our time management skills, we will definitely reduce stress and overwhelm.

So, let’s dive into examples of time management skills and learn how to build our way to productivity.

Time management definition

What is time management?

Research defines time management as “a decision-making process that structures, protects, and adjusts a person’s time to changing environmental conditions.”

Based on this definition, we can conclude that time management skills need to help you organize, protect, and adapt to changing priorities, which results in better time management overall.

For that reason, the following list of time management skills examples will help you achieve these goals with evidence-based tactics for enhancing your time management skills.

1. Being time-aware

Being time-aware is perhaps one of the core time management skills. This awareness means having an objective understanding of your time allocation and how you spend it.

Confused? Think of time as a budget that you’re allocating and constantly monitoring, as you need to either make sure you’ve got enough left or achieve a specific goal with it. In fact, the concept of time budgets is well-known, and you can apply it to maximize productivity.

This way, you’re identifying areas where you’re wasting time, and it enables you to plan and prioritize better. By understanding where your time goes, you can make more informed decisions and streamline your efforts toward achieving your goals.

How to build time-awareness:

  • Use objective assessments like a time-tracking app: such time management tools will automatically reveal habits and activities that hinder your productivity.

  • Ask for feedback from others, such as peers or a boss: Seek answers to questions like how you’re managing time in general, how you’ve dealt with urgent tasks, and if they considered you’ve managed challenging tasks with promptness.

  • Set a baseline of behaviors based on which you can start assessing your time management skills.

Measure and improve time management skills with AI at your side

An automatic tool like Timeular surfaces effortlessly how much time you spend on all tasks. Did we say it’s powered by AI? Oh, yes, so there’s not much you need to do. It does all work for you!

2. Planning tasks on your to-do list

Good time management skills imply good planning. Planning is vital as it helps you with a clear structure of how you’re spending your time. Assuming you have an entire workday ahead of you to finalize everything you have to do in a day is one of the most common time management challenges.

Tip: When making your plan, be aware of the planning fallacy, which makes you overestimate your capacity to get things done. The planning fallacy leads to having too many tasks on your to-do list in an overly optimistic delivery timeframe.

This approach helps you make a realistic timeframe and makes sure your work schedule stays on track by achieving both critical tasks and not only.

How to be a good planner:

  • Create realistic timelines: Account for all tasks on your to-do list ( urgent or important tasks, urgent and non-urgent tasks, difficult tasks) and include time buffers, as some tasks always overrun the allocated time.

  • Create a time management plan: This will reveal one task that needs to be done in one hour but you initially forgot about, or a meeting with a project stakeholder and taking the dog out for a walk. Did I mention that you forgot to factor in the holy breaks that keep your work-life balance afloat?

  • Create contingency plans: Prepare for best-case and worst-case scenarios so you can manage unexpected changes and maintain focus on work with less stress levels.

Recommended read: Dupont schedule

3. Reasonable goal setting

Goal setting contributes equally to personal and professional success. Whether you’re setting work goals or personal objectives, setting realistic goals sets you up for success and fuels your motivation engine. Learning how to create a roadmap for your efforts or for an important task or project is arguably a great start to improving time management skills.

  • Use the SMART goal-setting method:

    • Specific: Write down specific, unambiguous goals. Reiterate this writing process until they become very specific and concrete objectives.

    • Measurable: Establish criteria for measuring success and tracking progress. Know precisely when you’ll get to achieve that goal with specific cues.

    • Achievable: Even if your career aspirations are high, set attainable goals that boost your motivation. If you’re setting unmanageable objectives and disregarding resources or constraints, your time management skills start is demoralizing.

    • Relevant: Make sure the goals you’re setting are aligned and relevant to your broader objectives and values.

    • Time-Bound: Prime yourself to work harder and smarter with the holy grail of structure when it comes to time: Deadlines. Deadlines will create a sense of urgency and motivate you to manage time effectively, as well as develop problem-solving skills when you need to recalibrate deadlines.

If you’ve been wondering why goal setting at work matters, here’s a reminder of how they contribute to your professional success:

improve time management skills

4. Prioritizing tasks

Prioritizing different tasks determines almost all your outcomes. It is often seen not only as a time management skill valued by employers but also as a task in itself.

In prioritizing tasks, you can try multiple methods:

  • The Time Management Matrix: This priority matrix teaches you to prioritize tasks based on their urgency and importance. Prioritize work and daily tasks based on the following:

    • Do now: Urgent and important tasks (high-priority tasks)

    • Schedule for later: Important but not urgent

    • Delegate tasks: Urgent but not important tasks

    • Delete: Not important nor urgent tasks (low priority tasks)

If you have challenges in delegating tasks, dive into our guide to learn how to delegate tasks effectively

  • Use the Time-blocking method: This technique helps you protect your time by simply scheduling specific time blocks ( hours or minutes ) of your time for a specific task. This way, you’re protecting and using that time productively to achieve a clear objective. BTW, did you know that if you’d use time blocking, you’d block your time like Elon Musk? Yes, Elon Musk is also using this method. Cal Newport, the creator of the deep work concept and computer science professor at Georgetown University, uses a type of time-blocking method that he calls “Fixed schedule productivity.” Get to see more about the way Newport applies it in this short interview.

5. Know when to stop working on certain tasks

One of the most important time management skills is making sure you’re evaluating the future outcome of a project and continue investing in it only if it yields results. We’re often caught in the sunk cost fallacy and keep investing in projects because of our past efforts. Even if it doesn’t rationally make any sense, we’re attached to the effort. You need to rationally evaluate the outcome of certain projects to decide if it’s worth your time or not. It might not seem relevant, but knowing when to stop investing in certain things is a sign of good time management skills.

6. Energy management

Find your peak performance time and leverage it. If you learn to manage energy over the course of a week and over the course of a day based on how productive or least productive you are, you’ll be more in control of your productivity. Here are some strategies for energy management:

  • Identify your energy peaks: Track your energy levels throughout the day and the week to figure out when you are most alert and productive. Schedule your high-priority tasks at those times, only.

  • Take regular breaks: Don’t exhaust yourself to finalize some work if you’re feeling tired. It’s best to do smaller tasks with breaks incorporated so you can recharge.

Did you know that even a simple method like Don’t Break the Chain, the productivity method that made Seinfeld a legend, can have a big impact on your productivity?

7. Automation of repetitive tasks

Sometimes, you might discover your project management or time management skills are not the problem but the asks or tools themselves. We’re living in a fast-paced world, so eight hours to meet deadlines and deal with large tasks is insufficient. So, here is an effective strategy to automate your manual tasks:

  • Start using AI-powered productivity tools: There’s a wide range of productivity tools that are designed to automate all your manual and less urgent tasks.

  • Implement macros or scripts: Simply use macros or scripts that automate repetitive tasks in the software applications you’re using. Such examples are spreadsheets or databases.

  • Use integrations: Use platforms like Zapier to connect your tools among them, and this way, you’ll automate workflows across your tools.

Tip: Check our guide on workplace automation to understand how to carry out this process.

8. Setting boundaries and saying no

Saying no to non-essential tasks is vital, as it helps you protect your time and energy for the tasks that need your attention and matter. In order to say no, it’s important to follow these steps:

  • Assess the request: When you get a request to do some more tasks, take some time and assess it. Will it have a significant impact on your current workload? Do you have related tasks that can be managed together with the new task? Will it make you lose focus entirely on your current work?

  • Clearly decline and explain the reason why: Once you’ve garnered all the data on your workload and realize you have no bandwidth to take on that new task, say no. Also, explain why you’re unable to do this task. Check a potential example:

Time management skills: saying no

9. Minimizing distractions

Context switching wrecks your productivity. We’re always functioning based on a fundamental tradeoff between productivity and responsiveness (the brain’s responsiveness). If you’re studying computer science, you learn that even computers need adjustment time. We’re not computers, so we need even more time to adjust to a new task, a new mental context. Here are some ways to strike a balance between productivity and responsiveness:

  • The obvious solution is to minimize distractions: Create a distraction-free workspace, use noise-canceling headphones, or play background music to block out disruptive sounds.

  • The less obvious one is group interruptions. In computer science, this concept is known as “interrupt coalescing.” This basically means that rather than dealing with things as they come up, with immediate attention, the system groups these interruptions together based on how long they can afford to wait. That’s exactly what you could do, too.


You’ll naturally reach some dead-ends, and all self-discipline or different techniques for effective time management won’t simply work. So, you just need to work on your motivation, the way you view your work, and, more importantly, the time spent on work. Ways to improve time management skills:

  • Set rewards for completing tasks in a certain timeframe, and remind yourself of your long-term goals to stay motivated.
  • Avoid procrastination: In these very moments when you’re not motivated, procrastination makes your overall productivity even worse. It might be a difficult task, and engaging in personal activities with your family members might seem way funnier, but you’ll thank yourself later if you just focus on your work.

Measure and improve time management skills with AI on your side

An automatic tool like Timeular surfaces effortlessly how much time you spend on all tasks. Did we say it’s powered by AI? Oh, yes, so there’s not much you need to do. It does all work for you!


Empower yourself to develop a better relationship with time and enhance your time management skills. All the examples and different techniques mentioned in the article should help you have a better work-life balance, delegate tasks, prioritize what matters, and navigate through your to-do list more smoothly.

Remember, a time management tool is always the easiest and least time-consuming way to improve your time management skills. Before choosing your tools, make sure you understand the downsides of electronic monitoring.


What are the benefits of time management?

Effective time management has numerous benefits, enhancing overall productivity and your well-being. By prioritizing tasks and allocating time efficiently, you’re reducing your stress levels and avoiding the last-minute rush to meet deadlines. The output of your work can be more qualitative and frees up time for your personal activities and objectives. Additionally, better time management fosters a sense of accomplishment, self-trust, and even self-discipline. Ultimately, it contributes to personal and professional success.

What time management tools can I use to improve my time management skills?

Some of the tools you could use are digital planners, distraction blockers, or AI-powered time trackers that help you regularly review your time management habits.

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