Practical Tips For Effective Time Management

Author: Madalina Roman

Though time is distributed equally to all, what sets us apart is how effectively we manage it.

But we’re not taught how to build an effective time management strategy at work, are we? Yes, we all know that maximizing productivity is often synonymous with effective time management, so where do we start?

With 8 years of experience alongside 100,000-time tracking and management users, I made this guide for you to grasp time management better and stress less when deadlines loom you.

time tracking tips
Busy but not productive?

Learn how Bang & Olufsen retrieved 10 hours of work and changed the IT structure to work more efficiently. By tracking time.

Before jumping into details, here is what you’ll learn:

  • How to carry out a time audit and gain empirical evidence of where your time goes by using a free time tracking tool;

  • Time management is not about squeezing a task into every minute but allocating time to the right activities to approach your goals;

  • As studies show that 40% of the workday is wasted due to a lack of organization, you’ll learn five effective time management techniques;

  • Only 53.5% of employees complete their to-dos daily, so I’ll guide you through 5 time management skills so you don’t fall in the same category.

What does effective time management mean?

Understanding how to manage your time effectively is the foundation of successful time management.

In essence, effective time management is about working smarter, not harder, and knowing how to prioritize work to achieve better results.

It is more than just ticking things off your to-do list – it involves setting realistic goals, prioritizing tasks, and using techniques to ensure maximum productivity.

When you manage time effectively, you’re likely to:

  • Meet deadlines with consistency.

  • Experience less stress, avoid burnout, and achieve a better work-life balance.

  • Have time for additional opportunities or personal activities.

  • Enjoy a more systematic and less chaotic workday.

Learn how a consulting firm uses time tracking to avoid employee burnout

What is poor time management?

Poor time management refers to the inability to use your available time effectively, leading to missed deadlines, increased stress, and reduced productivity. It often involves procrastination, such as delaying tasks until the last minute, failing to prioritize important activities, or underestimating the time required for tasks.

For example, spending excessive time on less critical tasks like checking emails frequently or engaging in non-essential meetings instead of focusing on high-priority projects can exemplify poor time management. This lack of organization and prioritization results in inefficient work habits and can negatively impact your overall performance.

Did you know that even a simple method like Don’t Break the Chain, the productivity method that made Seinfeld a legend, can have a big impact on your productivity?

What is your relationship with time?

Now that you understand how to effectively manage your time, you need to understand what your ground zero is.

You may think you have done all the self-reflection you need, but maybe you should ponder on that for another moment.

The challenge with inadequate time management is that despite being busy, you’re probably not budgeting enough time for important tasks. Hence, this leads to working overtime, missed deadlines, and higher stress levels.

So, before jumping into time management strategies and skills, understand where you are at with a time audit.

Read more about:

manual timesheets definition

How to carry out a time audit?

A time audit is an analysis of how you’re spending your time on different tasks, what your time wasters are, and recognizing patterns of productivity or lack of it. It involves tracking and reviewing how you spend each work hour and even personal pursuits if you’d like and identifying how these align with your goals.

By understanding where your time goes, you can make informed decisions to optimize your work habits.

Find out how a small business owner used data to halve his work and double his revenue.

The best way of gaining a quick but precise overview of how you currently use your time is to automatically track time for a week up to a month.

TIP: Since your purpose is to save time and ultimately build a time management strategy based on what you have learned, you must choose a straightforward method rather than add another task to your to-do list. Make the process seamless for you.

Start by tracking all your activities for a week, categorizing them if necessary, and then analyze the results.

Here are the simple steps:

best time tracking app effective time management

Set up your free time tracking

Automatic time tracking offloads the struggle of manually jotting down what you’re doing. You could manually write what you’ve worked on every half an hour in a detailed log, but it defeats your purpose:

to gain insights into your relationship with time, transform learning into an effective time management strategy, and enjoy its benefits.

You’ll understand more by reading about manual timesheets and why you should ditch them.

To perform a time audit effectively, your first step in this phase is to set up a free time tracking tool. By connecting it to your calendar, you can effortlessly monitor how you spend your time.

This immediate setup enables you to develop the habit of tracking your activities with simple calendar integration. With automated time tracking, you eliminate the need for manual logging, making the process seamless.

Follow these steps to merge your calendar for an automated time-tracking audit:

1. Sync your calendar with free time management tools

A time-tracking app such as Timeular makes this process effortless for you, as it automatically records your work in the background while you focus on your most important tasks.

Create your free Timeular account and sync your calendar to start tracking your activities

Once you’ve created your account, you can focus on your work, and the tool will automatically pull the relevant information for your time audit, such as:

  • Your app, website, and document usage – without manually adding any time entries – you just perform your tasks. Rest assured, you have 100% data control ( your data is stored only locally on your computer, not on the cloud);

  • Sends you AI-generated time entry suggestions based on your calendar events and past entries, so you don’t forget to fill your timesheet and have a realistic overview of your daily tasks;

  • Generates easy-to-digest reports showing your productivity trends, time spent on client projects, and different activities so that you can identify patterns of efficiency;

TIP: It’s as easy as clicking on the time entry suggestion to accept it.

Timeular - best AI tools

2. Analyze your time-tracked data

Your next step in mastering time management involves understanding how you’re juggling specific tasks, navigating your work day, and what disrupting habits you have.

Smart productivity insights

This dashboard in Timeular will help you address your decreased productivity issues and understand what stifles your progress before making your own time management strategy.

  • What daily tasks consume most of your hours?

  • When you have challenging tasks, do you frequent more social media apps? Which ones?

  • What tools and apps do you procrastinate more on?

  • At what times of the day you are the most productive?

  • What productivity percentage did you achieve in a week?

Learn how to overcome procrastination.

Timeular - best AI tools

In-depth reports on client projects or other tasks

In Timeular, you get access to a smart time reporting system that tracks time spent on client projects and ultimately calculates billable hours to maximize productivity.

Based on what particularly interests you in understanding, for example – if a specific project is profitable or not, versus the time spent on it or the percentage of billable hours versus profitability – you can add different filters to get an overview.

Once customized, export your file and share it with your clients and team or compare the trends in performance for efficient time management.

Timeular time tracking insights

Understand work-life balance through overtime

Your overtime hours easily reflect your personal well-being. To finalize your time audit and start applying time management strategies, you must understand how much work you invest outside regular work hours.

Not only does this help with improving your work-life balance, but it also provides valuable data for determining the profitability of projects. By analyzing the amount of overtime put into a project versus its profitability, you can decide which projects to prioritize and which need reevaluation.

In Timeular, you can set work hours, and the overtime will be recorded automatically. If you are working with a team, and you’re all tracking your time, this is how your timesheet can look like:


3. Draw conclusions on your time relationship

With the instruments from your time-management tools, you can draw your own conclusions on whether or not your relationship with time is poor. Before choosing your tools, make sure you understand the downsides of electronic monitoring.

By the end of your audit, you should have a blueprint of how you spend your time, data that can act as a reality check, and a starting point for efficient time management. However, when you’re tracking your time, to get a realistic overview, remember to:

  • Keep a detailed log: Allow the app to track all your activities;

  • Be honest: It’s crucial to be truthful about your work. The aim is not to judge or feel guilty but to get a clear overview.

“Since we started using Timeular and tracking our time, we’ve never made another mistake in planning, creating accurate proposals, or budgeting for clients. It’s so easy to use. Everyone uses it, and it shows.” – AC Coppens, Founder of THE CATALYSTS

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Effective time management strategies

Armed with your blueprint and insights from your self-reflection provided by your time audit, it’s time to craft a new plan.

Effective time management strategies help you control your time better, stay focused, minimize distractions, and manage your time to reach your desired outcomes.

In essence, when time management skills fall short, a time management technique gives you a road map for investing your time more efficiently.

1. The Eisenhower Matrix

The Eisenhower Matrix, or the Urgent-Important Matrix, performs as your decision-making tool. It helps you prioritize tasks and categorize them into four buckets.

The buckets represent the following categories:

  • Important and urgent: Do these tasks immediately (e.g., urgent tasks, pressing deadlines, meetings).

  • Important, but not urgent: Decide when to add these specific tasks to your to-do list (e.g., emails, client calls)

  • Urgent, but not important: Delegate tasks, if possible, as these are manageable tasks that don’t require your specific skill set but need to get done ( e.g.,: long-term projects with an unclear or delayed deadline)

  • Neither urgent nor important: Delete these non-essential tasks, as this category helps you recognize where your time is wasted.

2. The Pomodoro Technique

The Pomodoro technique slices your work time into intervals, typically 25 minutes of deep work, separated by short breaks. Each interval is known as a “Pomodoro,” and after four bursts of 25 minutes, you take a longer break.

This time management technique helps you stay focused, minimize distractions, and tackle only one task promptly while avoiding getting tired or burned out.

To implement the Pomodoro technique, use a simple and free Pomodoro timer.

3. Time blocking

With time blocking, you dedicate specific blocks of time for each activity on your daily plan. Setting aside dedicated time for different types of tasks ensures they get the attention they need without overlapping or being pushed aside by other tasks.

With time blocking, you make a conscious effort to set a time limit and focus on a single task at a time. It forces you to abide by a structured schedule within certain time limits and develop better self-discipline.

Useful resources:

4. Timeboxing

Primarily used in Scrum and Agile project management, usually with Timeboxing, tasks are set within fixed time limits ranging from minutes to weeks, depending on the task complexity.

Timeboxing is a rapid planning method that promotes meeting deadlines and completing tasks within pre-defined timeboxes. It is one of the most utilized time management techniques among product and IT task managers.

What are the three A’s of time management?

The three A’s of time management are AvoidAssign, and Adapt. These principles focus on avoiding distractions, assigning tasks to others when appropriate, and adapting your plans as circumstances change to stay on track and be more productive.

  1. Avoid: This means avoiding distractions and non-essential tasks that eat up time. For example avoiding unnecessary meetings or limiting time on social media during work hours helps you focus on the important stuff.
  2. Assign: Delegating tasks to others is key. For example if you’re managing a project, assigning tasks to team members based on their strengths means the work gets distributed and gets done on time.
  3. Adapt: Being flexible and adjusting your plans as needed is the key to time management. If unexpected things happen like a deadline change or a new priority, adapting your schedule to deal with those changes helps you stay productive and hit your goals.

What are the 5 Ps of time management?

On a general level, the 5 Ps of time management are a principle that highlights how effective planning and preparation can help you avoid mistakes and improve your overall performance. The 5 Ps of time management are Proper Planning Prevents Poor Performance:

  1. Proper: Make sure you have the right tools and systems in place to manage your time well. For example a planner or digital calendar to keep track of tasks and deadlines.
  2. Planning: Create a plan for your tasks and goals. A daily or weekly schedule that outlines what needs to be done and when. For example setting aside specific times for project work, meetings and breaks.
  3. Prevents: By planning well you prevent problems and delays. For example anticipating potential obstacles and dealing with them in advance. For example preparing reports before meetings to avoid last minute rushes.
  4. Poor: Don’t do poor time management such as procrastination and disorganisation. For example instead of putting off important tasks break them down into smaller steps and tackle them progressively.
  5. Performance: Good planning and time management equals good performance and productivity. For example meeting deadlines and achieving your goals efficiently because you have a plan.

Effective time management skills

Knowing time management strategies is not enough to effectively manage your time. You also need to develop good time management skills to control your daily schedule, reduce stress, and ultimately boost productivity.

The learned time management strategies will fall apart on those stressful days, with the most challenging tasks looming on you and your to-do list piling up.

That’s why consolidating some core time management skills will impact your well-being and overall productivity.

You might want to learn about the top 10 causes of stress at work, too.

Let’s dive into the most useful time management skills:

Learn to say “No”

Setting boundaries and knowing your limits is crucial. Saying “No” to tasks that can be delegated or don’t align with your priorities is a powerful skill. It frees up your time to focus on a difficult task and contributes to your overall well-being.

It’s best not to feel any guilt for saying no, as that specific take you refused to handle might be a time waster, in fact.

TIP: How to identify time wasters.


Learn to trust others with tasks that are beyond the critical few that you need to perform yourself. Just as the Eisenhower technique states, an activity that’s not important and urgent can easily be delegated. Delegating tasks not only frees up your time but can also empower your team.

Avoid multitasking

Contrary to popular belief, multitasking is less effective than focusing on one task at a time. It often leads to errors and a decrease in productivity. Train yourself to focus on one task and see it through to completion while minimizing distractions.

Set deadlines

Deadlines create a sense of urgency and help you prioritize your work. Set deadlines for various tasks and be disciplined in meeting them.

Setting a deadline helps you and your team be motivated to focus on your ongoing process and ultimately reach your objectives. Even if setting deadlines is not part of the classical time management skills category, it has a considerable impact on project management in general.

Be flexible to adjustments

Review your time management techniques regularly to assess their effectiveness. Be flexible in adjusting your plan as needed to accommodate changes in priorities or unexpected tasks. It can be helpful to add buffer times to your schedule from the beginning.

Start taking control of your time by diligently tracking it


Having an effective time management strategy is achievable as long as you understand where your ground zero is with a time audit, apply time management techniques, and improve your time management skills.

All these will increase your productivity, reduce stress, and achieve your goals efficiently. Remember, time is a limited resource that should be managed wisely.

Tip: The easiest way to improve your time management skills is by constantly tracking time with a time management app like Timeular. Here’s what Timeular does for you:

  • Automatic time tracking of your tasks: Timeular captures apps, websites, and documents usage, ensuring 100% control and GDPR compliance (note: your data is stored only locally);

  • Automated suggestions and reminders to fill your calendar with a click based on your calendar events;

  • Easy-to-digest reports showing your productivity trends and app usage so that you can identify patterns of efficiency;

  • Billable and non-billable hours tracking – allows you to track non-billable and billable hours with a click;
  • Automatic overtime tracking, work hours tracking, and leave tracking.
  • Tracking time with a physical time-tracking cube by simply switching the side of the cube;

Timeular – time management tool


What are the 5 tips in effective time management?

To manage time effectively, start by doing a time audit using tools like Timeular to see how you currently use your time. Prioritize tasks with the Eisenhower Matrix to separate the urgent from the important. Use techniques like the Pomodoro Technique to focus and be more productive and review and adjust your time management strategies regularly.

What is a common time management mistake?

The most common time management mistake is procrastination, which is when people put off important tasks until the last minute or spend too much time on non-essential activities like checking email or attending unnecessary meetings, which can lead to missed deadlines and stress.

What are the five 5 areas of time management?

The 5 areas of time management are time auditing (how time is used), prioritization (identifying and focusing on important tasks), planning (organizing tasks and scheduling), execution (using time management techniques), and review (regularly evaluating and adjusting to improve).

What are the 7 steps of an effective time management plan?

A time management plan involves: 1) Setting up time tracking tools to monitor activities, 2) Analyse the data to see where you are inefficient, 3) Create a detailed task plan, 4) Apply time management techniques like time blocking, 5) Delegate tasks when possible, 6) Adapt to changes and 7) Review and adjust regularly to be more productive.

What are the golden rules of time management?

The golden rules of time management are to prioritize to focus on what’s most important, plan ahead to organize and meet deadlines, set clear goals to guide your efforts, avoid distractions to stay focused, and review and adjust regularly to improve time management and productivity.

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