How to Improve Work Efficiency

Author: Karolina Matyska

In today’s fiercely competitive global business landscape, improving work efficiency is paramount for both employers and companies. It’s the linchpin for tackling the challenges inherent in any work routine.

Efficiency isn’t just about working harder; it’s about working smarter. Discover the strategies to achieve more with less, from implementing techniques to streamlining processes and boosting overall productivity.

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Start tracking your work efficiency with the most efficient time tracking solution

“I’ve doubled my revenue thanks to Timeular and managed to halve how much I work. ” – Valdemar Alfred, Owner

This article delves into the core of work efficiency, unraveling its importance and offering actionable insights for both employees and leaders.

Embark on this insightful exploration, and revolutionize your approach to productivity. Unearth tips and strategies to break free from productivity roadblocks and unlock your full potential.

Keep reading this guide and learn how to maximize your efficiency, time, and resources, turning your envisioned results into reality.

What is work efficiency?

Work efficiency is the ability to accomplish tasks and goals while optimizing the process, avoiding the waste of time, energy, and resources available.

You can measure work efficiency by analyzing how your team produces the results while minimizing waste and focusing on productivity.

Free eBook: How to work smart, not hard

Top productivity tips for teams and their leaders

The key elements of work efficiency

When you’re thinking about the key elements of work efficiency, find out below the ones that stand out in the core of its concept:

  1. Productivity: Efficient work increases productivity which means that you’ll achieve more in less time.
  1. Time management: Effective time management involves establishing priorities, eliminating time-wasting activities, and delegating and organizing tasks that influence you to make the best use of the available time. The cornerstone of time management is time tracking.
  1. Resource usage: Efficient work requires using resources that include materials and equipment, but just enough so that the prioritization is minimizing waste and reducing costs. 
  1. Task organization: When you’re organizing tasks through a logical method you’re able to establish a great amount of efficiency. To-do lists, clear objectives, and breaking larger projects into smaller tasks will help a lot!
  1. Automation and technology: Technology and automation tools significantly impact your work efficiency. They automate repetitive tasks, standardize processes, and speed up work.
  1. Communication: Clear communication always plays a big role in the team’s productivity and the work efficiency of the whole company. With that said, the communication between the parties involved must be always flowing.
  1. Continuous improvement: An ongoing improvement is crucial to maintain and increase work efficiency. Make sure to analyze and change processes that are no longer working, and substitute them for something evolved.

Read also: What is and how do you implement automation in the workplace?

efficiency at work

Why is work efficiency important?

Work efficiency is critical in today’s professional life, both working as an employee and leading a team.

In summary, it enhances productivity, saves time and resources, reduces stress, and much more.

Discover below the reasons behind the importance of work efficiency:

  1. Productivity: When you’ve established work efficiency, you’ll automatically have higher productivity. The whole team can accomplish more tasks in less time and with fewer resources which will lead to successful results. Read more in the article: How to increase productivity?
  2. Time saved: Efficient work allows employees to save valuable time that can be reoriented towards different tasks or activities, including personal and professional development. At the same time, it can help to reduce overtime hours and costs.
  3. Resource optimization: Work efficiency can minimize the waste of resources, time, materials, and money. That can lead to cost savings and better resource allocation.
    Read also: What is resource allocation in project management?
  4. Quality improvement: Efficiency and quality are not synonyms but they might as well be because when there’s work efficiency there’s quality, and vice-versa. Ultimately there’s more time and focus available for different tasks.
  5. Stress reduction: Improving work efficiency helps to deal with stress at work by reducing workloads and providing a sense of control over the processes that used to be inefficient and stressful. Read more about the most common causes of stress at work and how to avoid work overload.
  6. Competitive advantage: When work efficiency is prioritized amongst the team members, there’s a big possibility that competition happens most positively. You might observe a quicker response, delivery, and easier adaptation.
  7. Employee satisfaction: By fostering an effective work culture, you can enhance employee contentment, as their contributions become more evident when time and skills are utilized efficiently.
  8. Innovation and creativity: With your time and calendar structured, you’re able to excuse yourself from repetitive or time-consuming tasks and focus on more important tasks. You’ll invest your time and energy in innovative and creative tasks that will bring exceptional results.
  9. Optimization of resources: Establishing work efficiency in your workplace will highly contribute to environmental sustainability, by reducing the waste of resources.
  10. Personal growth: When you’re invested in improving work efficiency, you can enhance your time management skills, discipline, and organization.
work efficiently

How to improve work efficiency

As it was possible to read throughout the article, work efficiency has proven to be beneficial to both the employees and the employers. Although it stands as an ongoing development, there are several tips and ways to increase work efficiency.

Remember that not every single one must work out for you, but it’s important to define what are the best options available to your methods. Scroll down below and consult the following tips:

1. Improve time management

Good time management is the first step towards increasing work efficiency. There are only 24 hours in a day, and you cannot make it any longer!

If you have little experience with time management strategies, start slowly by implementing simple techniques such as the Pomodoro Technique, time blocking, or timeboxing to allocate specific time slots to tasks. 

Efficient time-tracking software is a must, too. More on that below.

2. Use time-tracking software

A time-tracking app helps increase productivity with little effort! By regularly tracking your time, you finally understand where your time goes. You can easily spot time-wasting activities and shift your time to the tasks and projects that matter most.

At the same time, keeping the overtime and project budget in check becomes a breeze!

work hours tracker feature 1
Track your work efficiency with the most efficient time tracking solution

“My time spent on revenue-generating projects has increased by ~10% each week and time in meetings decreased by about 1-2 meeting per week.” – Angela Morisette, Scratch Financial

3. Plan your day ahead

Imagine you’re about to start your work day, but your agenda is blank while your to-do list is bursting. You go nuts thinking about what to do first and lose precious time in the morning to schedule daily tasks.

What efficient people do, is plan ahead and put structure in their schedules. How to do it? Before logging off from work, take some time to prepare for the next day.

Recommended read:

4. Establish clear goals

Define clear and realistic work goals for tasks and projects so that you stay focused. Learn why it’s important to set realistic goals and how to set realistic goals.

5. Prioritize tasks 

There are multiple ways to prioritize tasks efficiently! Use the Eisenhower Matrix or the ABCDE method to prioritize your tasks, but always place the high-priority elements first on the list.

TIP: Learn how to prioritize tasks in 7 steps.

6. Eliminate distractions 

Discover and minimize the work distractions available in your work environment, even if you need to turn off notifications or use website blockers.

An online Pomodoro timer with background ambiance sounds helps with that, too.

7. Delegate tasks

Delegating tasks improves work efficiency by giving them to team members with the skills and expertise needed for efficient completion. This approach makes sure tasks are done well, boosting overall work efficiency.

TIP: Read our post to learn how to effectively delegate tasks.

8. Organize your workspace

Imagine you’re ready to work but can’t find your glasses. After getting them, you see your mouse has no batteries. Then, you can’t find your notebook because it’s buried under a mess of books, papers, and mugs.

Think about how much time you waste looking for things and cleaning up. Don’t use your best energy on small tasks that could be done when you are less focused.

Organize your workspace by doing the following things:

  • Bring the dishes, mugs, and glasses back to the kitchen
  • Throw away useless paper and trash
  • Archive papers and files
  • Organize your desktop
  • Check that your important work stuff is present on the desk. For example, keyboard, mouse, notebooks, and a physical time tracker if you have one
  • Wipe your desk
  • Put your chair back in place

9. Eliminate multitasking 

Engaging in multitasking in the workplace can significantly hinder your efficiency. Avoid the temptation to juggle numerous tasks simultaneously, as context switching can lead to decreased productivity and increased errors.

Instead, concentrate on one task at a time, ensuring efficiency and maintaining a high quality standard in your work.

10. Take breaks

Short breaks can fully recharge your energy and concentration. Invest in techniques such as a 5-minute break or a quick walk to catch some fresh air.

11. Group similar tasks

Batching similar tasks to complete them all at once improves efficiency by avoiding context switching, which is detrimental to productivity.

To implement task batching, list all your to-dos, break them into smaller tasks, and group similar ones.

Implement this technique for:

  • Answering Slack messages
  • Editing images and videos
  • Editing article drafts
  • Making phone calls
  • Doing QA
  • Scheduling meetings

Extra tip: Tackle low-value tasks during low-energy times of the day.

12. Ongoing development

Make sure that you invest in gaining new skills and improving existing ones. Betting on yourself can significantly impact your efficiency.

13. Eliminate inefficient communication

Eliminating inefficient communication is crucial for work efficiency as it reduces time-wasting activities and enhances clarity. How to ensure that your communication within a team or with your clients remains efficient?

  • Efficient meetings, well-prepared with clear agendas and involving only necessary participants, prevent unnecessary gatherings.
  • Similarly, clear and concise emails and chat messages minimize the need for repetitive exchanges.
  • Using scheduling tools like Calendly or calendar features can streamline finding mutually available times, further preventing the ping-pong of messages and enhancing overall productivity.

Read: How to improve communication skills at work

14. Set deadlines

The more time you have, the more you will use to accomplish your task. That’s the rule of the Parkinson’s law. If you don’t set a deadline for the task you’ve planned, you’ll probably take it easy, procrastinate, and take as long as you like.

Instead, if you set a deadline for the task, you’ll be motivated to meet the deadline and avoid time wasters.

When assembling and assigning tasks, create realistic deadlines so that there is no false sense of urgency around tasks and projects.

15. Don’t be a perfectionist

According to Psychology Today, perfectionism is a real curse for efficiency. Reviewing your work for the tenth time or putting in extra effort by delaying a deadline harms efficiency badly. Better done than perfect, remember that.

Here are some helpful tips to overcome perfectionism and be more efficient:

  • Keep the main task’s goal in mind
  • Discuss expectations with your team and manager
  • Stop comparing yourself with others
  • Allocate a limited amount of time to the task
  • Reflect on whether the improvements will make a true real impact on the end goal

16. Regular reviews

When you have a periodic analysis of your work processes, it’s clear to see where you can make improvements and adapt to a current and optimized scenario. Remember to run time audits which help you understand if you use your time efficiently!

17. Ask for feedback

Communicate with your colleagues and superiors and look for constructive feedback that you can use to improve your work efficiency and productivity. 

18. Learn keyboard shortcuts

According to productivity expert Andrew Cohen, keyboard shortcuts can save up to 8 days of work worth each year.

Keyboard shortcuts are straightforward commands that maintain your fingers on your keyboard instead of being interrupted to use your mouse. You might already know some of the most common ones, such as CTRL + C to copy and CTRL + V to paste. 

Shortcuts will help you breeze through your daily work and save time and frustration. Following are some valuable resources to learn shortcuts, whether using Microsoft Windows, Apple Mac OS, or Linux.

19.  Find your ultradian rhythm

Working according to your ultradian rhythm can help you maintain high energy levels and concentration throughout the day, ensuring your efficiency stays high.

Chronobiology specialists explain that your ultradian rhythm is a recurring pattern hardwired into your DNA, guiding how your body functions over time. These rhythms help manage cycles of energy production, output, and recovery.

20. Be aware of the Ringelmann effect

The Ringelmann effect shows that as a group gets bigger, each person tends to contribute less. This is also called social loafing. Basically, the larger the group, the less each person feels responsible and motivated.

To work efficiently with your team, keep your group small—ideally no more than 4 people—so everyone stays involved and motivated.

21. Self-care

Establish a healthy lifestyle, and ensure that you get enough rest and exercise. Practice mindfulness to reduce stress and improve your resilience. Your physical and mental health are crucial to maintaining efficiency at work. 

22. Use AI tools

AI tools enhance work efficiency by automating tasks, providing insights, and streamlining processes, allowing employees to focus on more valuable and strategic work.

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What leaders can do to improve work efficiency?

Not only employees can improve work efficiency, but employers can lead by example and pave the way forward.

Superiors can play an essential role in improving efficiency within their teams by taking proactive steps that keep everyone motivated and focused to achieve the goals.

Here are several actions that leaders can use to improve work efficiency:

1. Lead by example

Leaders can set a powerful example by showcasing a high standard of work efficiency through their actions, illustrating the attainability of such standards. They should employ essential skills like time management, prioritization, organization, and unwavering focus, inspiring their team to follow suit.

2. Define realistic expectations

Set clear goals and performance expectations for your team members so that everyone understands everything that’s required and expected for them to achieve.

Setting realistic expectations is also a great way to motivate employees to be more productive.

3. Trust your team

Find yourself in a position to trust your team members and allow them to make decisions and be involved in the responsibilities that you delegate.

You’ll grant them a sense of responsibility over their actions which can impact their efficiency.

4. Provide the necessary resources

Make sure that your team has access to everything from tools, technology, software, training, and materials that make them more work efficient.

They must have the path cleared to stay focused and motivated for their tasks.

5. Promote an open-door policy on communication

Let your team know that you’re open for clear and transparent communication regarding possible concerns, and ideas or even to share updates.

When there’s effective communication, there are a lot of misunderstandings avoided.

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6. Establish clear processes

Define and document the standard operating procedures to standardize processes, which is great for preventing possible errors, saving time, and improving efficiency.

7. Encourage collaboration

Cultivate a collaborative work culture that engages team members in sharing their knowledge and skills. It can lead to creative solutions and the improvement of work efficiency. 

Read also: How working in a team increases work efficiency

8. Analyze workflows

Have a regular evaluation of the existing workflows to identify areas that need improvement and what’s working for the efficiency of the workforce.

Ask for your team’s feedback because they might have insightful feedback to give you.

9. Offer training and development opportunities

Invest in your team’s professional development and provide training and skill courses that can enhance those abilities along with work efficiency.


10. Reward efficiency 

To create efficiency, you also have to reward the existing ones amongst your team. Recognition is something that can highly and positively impact the levels of work efficiency and productivity. 

11. Establish performance metrics

Use key performance indicators to track progress and identify areas that need to improve to achieve work efficiency at its full potential.

12. Grant flexibility 

Make sure that you provide flexibility when it comes to work arrangements, such as remote work, and flexible work hours that can improve employee motivation, and work-life balance and enhance efficiency.

13. Bet on technology and automation

Make sure that you and your team keep up with technology trends and tools that can automate repetitive tasks, which will quickly improve your productivity. Evaluate the software that could suit your needs.

14. Address conflict immediately 

Addressing conflicts immediately helps work efficiency by preventing disruptions and maintaining a productive, harmonious work environment. It stops issues from escalating and allows team members to focus on their tasks.

15. Promote a culture of continuous improvement 

Implement a culture where your team members feel encouraged to suggest and propose new ways to improve and innovate. 

16. Lead with emotional intelligence

Embrace a mindset where you focus on leading with emotional intelligence. Learn to understand your team’s needs, motivations, and concerns so that there’s an efficient environment.

17. Stay updated

Keep up with the industry trends and adapt your team and business to updated circumstances if need be. Be adaptable and forward-thinking so that you can help your team to stay efficient. 


With the article concluding, the main message is that improving work efficiency is one of the most important and key elements to achieve the designed goals.

If you’re working in the role of the employee or the employee, efficiency brings out positive outcomes such as increased productivity, resource optimization, reduced stress, and ultimately, greater success.

When you establish and implement strategies such as time-tracking, goal-setting, prioritization, and communication, you’re able to enhance your work efficiency properly.

When you’re nurturing a culture of improvement and flexibility to different circumstances, you’re automatically creating space for work efficiency that enhances productivity and well-being.

Both parties, employee or employer, can unlock their full potential to achieve their goals and establish a more evolved workspace.


Is efficiency the same as effectiveness?

No, these two concepts are very different. Efficiency stands for the action of doing tasks on the most optimized method, which means that it must minimize the waste of resources, time, and energy.

On the other hand, effectiveness is to achieve the established goals and objectives, regardless of how efficiently they’re accomplished. Efficiency is focused on how the tasks are made, while effectiveness is on the right tasks being performed for results.

Read also: Efficiency vs efficacy

Efficiency vs. productivity?

Efficiency is about doing the proposed tasks while optimizing processes with minimal waste, time, resources, and energy. Productivity is all about accomplishing the most tasks possible in a given amount of time, to achieve excellent results.

TIP: Read our article to find the differences between productivity and efficiency.