The Best QuickBooks Time-Tracking Integration

Author: Madalina Roman

QuickBooks is an accounting software aiding businesses of all sizes with financial management. While the tool excels for its main functionality, it doesn’t provide a comprehensive time-tracking feature. 

So, if you need to track time in QuickBooks, the best alternative is to use a standalone time tracking tool that integrates seamlessly your account software.

Looking for the smoothest timer tracker for QuickBooks?

You’ve just found it!

For that reason, in this article, we’ll introduce you to Timeular, a time tracking tool that helps enhance the overall efficiency of your financial operations. You’ll also see the simple steps of integrating Quickbooks with Timeular, and why it is important to track time in QuickBooks.

Does QuickBooks provide a native time-tracking solution?

Yes, it does. However, Quickbooks’ time tracking features have several limitations and might not fully cover your time tracking needs.

Why is it important to track time in QuickBooks?

  • Accurate client billing: time-tracking improves the invoicing process and ensures that you accurately bill your clients for the time spent on their projects or services, leading to increased revenue.
  • Cost and budget control: it helps you monitor billable hours, making it easier to control expenses and improve profitability while it also helps to create accurate budgets.
  • Project management: a project time tracker assists in project management by identifying areas where time can be optimized, helping projects stay on track.
  • Employee productivity: you can evaluate employee productivity and allocate resources more effectively by analyzing time data with a productivity tracker.

How to track time on Quickbooks

Tracking time in QuickBooks can come up with an array of challenges, especially for new users. It involves navigating through different sections, choosing the right entry types, and carefully assigning details such as dates, hours, clients, and projects.

Overall, the process lacks an intuitive, user-friendly approach one might hope for, making it prone to errors and frustration.

To enable time tracking in QuickBooks, follow the steps at this link.

The limitations of Quickbooks’ time-tracking

Among some of the limitations mentioned by users on Trust Radius and Capterra are:

  • Users often report challenges with the interface, referring to it as non-intuitive: “Employees did not find it intuitive. Management set up Quickbooks after TSheets without checking, and lots of information was lost in the transition.”
  • Some users also find adding and managing time entries as extremely confusing, lacking the simplicity and efficiency they desire. “I was unable to clock out or start a new time sheet some times. Some functionality errors with quickbooks.”
  • Additionally, QuickBooks’ reporting capabilities resulting from time-tracking can be less robust than the ones generated by a dedicated time-tracking solution. Users may encounter difficulties in producing detailed or customized reports to gain deeper insights into time allocation.
  • Integration with other tools and apps is another area of concern with users expressing a desire for more seamless integrations to enhance workflow efficiency. 

These shortcomings emphasize the need for integration with a dedicated time-tracking tool, which offers a more intuitive interface, advanced reporting features, and seamless integration capabilities. Hence, let’s explore Timeular, as it is recognized for the above benefits!

Timeular: a must-have QuickBooks time-tracking integration

Timeular is a user-friendly and intuitive time-tracking app, acclaimed for its unique time-tracking cube, which sets it apart from traditional digital-only tools. It is a robust yet minimalist automated time-tracking software, trusted by over 50,000 users and numerous teams across the globe.

Timeular – Basecamp Time Tracking Integration

But what exactly makes Timeular the best QuickBooks time-tracking integration?

Seamless integration

Timeular seamlessly integrates with QuickBooks, ensuring that tracking time becomes a fundamental part of your financial and project management processes. This integration allows for real-time synchronization, reducing data entry and minimizing errors as much as possible.

Physical time-tracking device

Traditional digital time-tracking methods, which have only a software desktop or mobile app, generally lead to distractions or loss of focus. Timeular, however, removes these challenges with its 8-sided dice, which functions as a time management cube.

With it, you can effortlessly monitor and record more than 1000 different activities, all without opening a software app or juggle various tabs. Simply flip the tracker cube to begin tracking your activity. 

Note: the physical time tracker is optional but thoughtfully designed to simplify the time-tracking process and encourage a more seamless and efficient time-tracking routine.


Timeular’s user-friendly interface simplifies the time-tracking process, making it easy for your team to log hours accurately without the need for extensive training.

Detailed insights

Timeular provides in-depth insights into how time is allocated across numerous tasks and projects, while functioning as a team time tracker, too, giving insights into project time input.

Its reporting features allow you to make data-driven decisions, identify inefficiencies, optimize resource allocation, and optimize your general workflow.

Track billable and non-billable time

As a billable hours tracking software, Timeular allows you to define each activity as billable or non-billable and assign your billing rates accordingly, improving accuracy and maximizing profits. Tracking time accurately will result in more precise client billing, reducing disputes and improving your cash flow.

billable hours tracking in Timeular

Project budgets under control

The Quickbooks time tracking integration with Timeular allows you to effortlessly monitor the time dedicated to particular projects, tasks, or clients. To use this project time tracker, just input the hours allocated for each project and you will be notified whenever you approach certain limits (such as 80% or 90% of time spent on that project or task).

This way you keep projects profitable and avoid over-serving clients.

project budget tracking in Timeular


Whether you’re part of a smaller or larger business, Timeular is scalable and adaptable to meet your evolving time-tracking needs and works also as:

How to track time in Quickbooks with Timeular

You can easily integrate Timeular with Quickbooks through Zapier, by following the steps:

  1. Create a free Timeular account.
  2. Log into Zapier (you don’t have to pay for a subscription, as you can use it for free for up to 100 integrations. )
  3. To connect Timeular with Zapier, you’ll need an API key and a secret API. You can find these in Timeular > Settings > My Account > API > Create a new API key.
  4. Create a Zap to track your time on Quickbooks with Timeular.
  5. Set up a new Zap. The trigger might create a new item on the board and the action will need to be set to start tracking time on Timeular.
  6. Happy tracking!


Being able to use your chosen accounting software while benefitting from complex time-tracking features can significantly influence your business.

And, if QuickBooks’ time-tracking functionality does not cover all your needs, integrating it with Timeular would result in higher efficiency, an increase in billable hours, better productivity, and valuable insights for your business.

Looking for the smoothest timer tracker for QuickBooks?

You’ve just found it!


Does QuickBooks Payroll include time-tracking?

QuickBooks Payroll does not include advanced time-tracking features, as it primarily focuses on payroll processing and tax-related tasks, such as calculating and managing employee wages, taxes, and payroll tax forms.

You can, however, integrate third-party time-tracking software, such as Timeular, to incorporate time-tracking capabilities.

Can QuickBooks track timesheets?

Yes, QuickBooks offers timesheet tracking functionality as part of its features. With QuickBooks, you can create and manage timesheets for your employees, contractors, or hourly workers. However, using a dedicated time-tracking app such as Timeular offers several advantages over traditional timesheets, making it a more efficient and accurate solution for recording and managing working hours.

Does QuickBooks time track your location?

QuickBooks does not have built-in GPS location tracking features, nor does Timeular. If you need GPS location tracking for employees, you may want to explore third-party solutions or apps that integrate with QuickBooks to provide this feature.