10 Best Developer Productivity Tools for Efficient Work

Author: Karolina Matyska

Whether you’re a seasoned coder looking to optimize your toolkit or a newcomer eager to dive into the coding world with the best resources, this compilation of the best developer productivity tools offers valuable insights into today’s most cutting-edge options.

I will uncover a range of game-changing technologies for you, from intelligent code editors to collaborative platforms, testing frameworks, and project management solutions.

Looking for a smart, secure and effortless productivity tool for developers?

Go for a time tracking tool chosen by 50,000 dev teams worldwide

The 10 best developer productivity tools

  1. Timeular
  2. ClickUp
  3. VS Code
  4. GitHub Copilot
  5. Jam
  6. GitLab
  7. Testsigma
  8. SaltStack
  9. F.lux
  10. Mermaid JS
software developer productivity tools

1. Timeular – for easy time tracking

Tool description:

  • Timeular is an effortless time-tracking app that offers a seamless enterprise time-tracking experience with both a physical tracking cube and a digital option.
  • Timeular works as a perfect productivity tracker for developers who want to optimize time management and enhance focus in their daily tasks. It’s already used by over 50,000 teams worldwide seeking productivity improvement.
  • This easy-to-use tool provides detailed analytics and visualizations to help developers understand their time allocation and identify productivity bottlenecks.
  • Its user-friendly interface and integration with other developer productivity tools like Trello and Jira make it a versatile addition to any workflow, reducing context switching and enhancing overall efficiency.


  • Effortless, automatic time tracking
  • AI productivity tracking
  • Physical time tracking cube with Bluetooth connectivity
  • Tracking time through a single keyboard shortcut
  • Anti-surveillance policy
  • Comprehensive analytics and visualizations
  • Integration with Trello, Asana, Jira, and more


  • 30-day free trial
  • Paid plans: 6.30€ per month (annually), 8€ per month (monthly)

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Timeular is a must-have for any developer. Its effortless and accurate time tracking features make it invaluable for optimizing productivity. I especially appreciate its physical time management cube, which serves as a constant reminder on my desk.

Track time with a physical Tracker

“When you have a lot of simultaneous activities going on, you often forget when you started working on something. With the tracker in front of you, you are always aware of what’s being tracked”

“Timeular has been a game changer. It has helped me develop a discipline for being mindful of my time and really understanding the value of it so I get more done.“

Jenny, Software engineer working remotely

Why Timeular is one of the best apps for programmers?

  • Accurate time tracking helps you understand how much time is being allocated to specific workloads, providing insights into where your time is being utilized effectively or inefficiently.
  • Timeular is one of the few time tracking apps that allows leave tracking. The team can track any type of absence and adjust their work schedule report accordingly.
  • By tracking your time, you gather valuable data about your work habits and patterns. This data can be analyzed to identify areas of improvement, optimize workflows, and make data-driven decisions about resource allocation, workload prioritization, and management.
  • It offers visual representations of your and your team’s time allocation. These visualizations give you a clear overview of how your time is distributed among various tasks or projects and help identify bottlenecks or areas where adjustments can be made to optimize workload management.
  • Integrations with popular project management tools like Jira and Asana allow you to sync your time-tracking data with other systems. These integrations enhance the overall workload management process by streamlining data flow and providing a holistic view of your work across different platforms.
  • Collaboration features enable team members to track their time, share insights, and coordinate workloads. This promotes transparency, facilitates effective task distribution that prevents work overload, and encourages collaboration within teams.

Track time with zero effort, using Timeular

“We’ve saved an impressive lot of time with Timeular. Monthly time reviews that were previously taking up half a day every month now take 15 minutes. It’s an immense time saver!”

Read: How to track time spent on tasks

2. ClickUp – For project management

Tool description:

  • ClickUp is one of the most comprehensive project management tools tailored for developers, supporting methodologies like Scrum and Kanban.
  • It integrates with over a thousand third-party productivity tools, including GitHub and Slack, and offers features like task dependencies and customizable views. ClickUp excels in task management, allowing developers to organize and prioritize their work effectively.
  • ClickUp’s automation capabilities save time on repetitive tasks, enhancing the team’s productivity.
  • As one of the leading collaboration tools, ClickUp helps streamline workflows and improve overall efficiency.


  • Customizable task views and dependencies
  • Supports Scrum, Kanban, and Agile methodologies
  • Integration with over 1,000 third-party tools like GitHub, GitLab, Jira, and Slack
  • Automation features for repetitive tasks
  • Suitable for complex projects and large teams


  • Free plan with 100 MB storage
  • Paid plans: $5 per user per month (Unlimited), $12 per user per month (Business)
  • Enterprise solutions available


ClickUp is an excellent project management tool that caters not only to product managers but also to software developers. Its customizable task views and seamless integration with other tools make managing complex projects a breeze.

Read also: Time-tracking in ClickUp

software development productivity tools

3. Visual Studio Code – For smooth code editing

Productivity tool description:

  • Visual Studio Code, developed by Microsoft, is a highly customizable code editor known for its extensive features and support for various programming languages. It includes intelligent code completion, syntax highlighting, and a built-in Git integration. Its advanced code navigation features help developers move through their codebase with ease.
  • This tool helps developers code faster and improve code quality by providing advanced features that streamline writing lines of code.
  • The editor’s flexibility is enhanced by a vast library of community-created extensions, making it a valuable addition to any tech stack and boosting overall team performance.


  • Syntax highlighting, intelligent code completion, and code refactoring
  • Built-in Git integration
  • Supports multiple programming languages
  • Built-in terminal for commands and scripts
  • Customizable with a vast library of extensions
  • Free for desktop versions and a professional subscription option
  • Can be enhanced with a code search tool like Sourcegraph to help developers navigate and understand codebases faster


It’s versatile and powerful code editor with extensive language support, a vast library of extensions, and built-in tools for debugging, task running, and version control. It is compatible with various platforms and has recently collaborated with GitHub Copilot for enhanced productivity.

Read: How to measure developer productivity

TIP: Read our guide and learn how to manage a software development team.

best tools for programmers

4. GitHub Copilot – For AI-powered code compilation

Productivity tool description:

  • GitHub Copilot, created by GitHub and OpenAI, uses machine learning to assist developers by suggesting code snippets and completing lines in real time. GitHub Copilot provides intelligent code suggestions, making the coding process faster and more efficient.
  • This tool supports numerous programming languages and integrates seamlessly with popular code editors like VS Code, making it a valuable addition to many developer tools.
  • GitHub Copilot enables users to speed up the coding process, enhancing a developer’s productivity while still requiring some manual validation.
  • Most developers find that Copilot helps improve their workflow, making it an essential tool for software development teams.


  • AI-powered code completion
  • Suggests code snippets and completes lines in real-time
  • Supports multiple programming languages and frameworks
  • Integrates with mainstream code editors like VS Code


  • Individual: $10 per month
  • Business: $19 per user per month


GitHub Copilot is a game-changer for code completion. This AI-powered tool significantly speeds up the coding process by suggesting relevant code snippets in real-time.

Read also: GitHub time tracking integration

5. Jam – For one-click bug reports

Productivity tool description:

  • Jam is one of the best developer productivity tools designed to streamline the debugging process with real-time capabilities and easy sharing of bug reports, significantly enhancing software developer productivity. Jam’s error tracking capabilities ensure that bugs are identified and resolved quickly.
  • It captures screenshots, videos, and essential details like network requests and console logs, improving code quality by facilitating efficient error tracking.
  • Integration with productivity tools such as ClickUp and Jira allows for effective bug tracking and seamless project progress monitoring, helping developers code faster and integrate Jam into existing workflows effortlessly.


  • Real-time debugging capabilities
  • Captures network requests, browser info, device details, and more
  • Integrates with ClickUp, Jira, and GitHub
  • Shares bug reports with links or directly to issue trackers


  • Free plan for individuals
  • Team plan: $10 per user per month
  • Custom enterprise plan available


Jam is a fantastic debugging tool. Its real-time capabilities and seamless integration with other popular tools make it an essential addition to any developer’s toolkit.

6. GitLab – For comprehensive DevOps

Productivity tool description:

  • GitLab is one of the best productivity tools that provides an all-in-one platform for version control, CI/CD, making it essential for software development. GitLab’s continuous integration features ensure that code changes are automatically tested and integrated.
  • Ideal for large DevOps projects, GitLab integrates seamlessly with other developer tools to streamline workflows.
  • Its robust issue-tracking system and built-in CI/CD capabilities support efficient software development lifecycles.
  • GitLab’s collaboration features, including project milestones and Kanban boards, facilitate developer teams coordination and enhance productivity across engineering teams.


  • Comprehensive DevOps and DevSecOps platform
  • Built-in CI/CD capabilities
  • Robust issue-tracking system
  • Project management features like milestones and Kanban boards


  • Free plan for individual users
  • Premium: $29 per user per month
  • Ultimate: $99 per user per month


GitLab is a comprehensive platform for managing DevOps workflows. Its built-in CI/CD capabilities and robust issue-tracking system make it ideal for large development teams. Additionally, GitLab is perfect for managing software development projects, thanks to its advanced project management features.

7. Testsigma – For test automation

Productivity tool description:

  • Testsigma is a scriptless test automation platform that simplifies automated testing across different browsers and platforms, making it a valuable addition to productivity tools in software engineering. Testsigma’s test automation capabilities streamline the testing process, making it more efficient.
  • It utilizes natural language processing to democratize test creation, catering to both technical and non-technical users. Testsigma’s features include parallel test execution and AI-driven failure detection, enhancing the development workflow by improving testing efficiency.
  • Its integration with version control systems and streamlined bug reporting further supports seamless software development cycles.


  • Scriptless test automation platform
  • Natural language processing for easy test creation
  • Supports cross-browser and cross-platform testing
  • Parallel test execution to save time
  • Integrates with CI/CD tools like Jenkins, JIRA, and GitLab


  • Free plan for five applications
  • Pro plan: $349 per month
  • Custom enterprise plan available


Testsigma stands out for its scriptless test automation. Its natural language processing makes it accessible to both technical and non-technical users, streamlining the testing process.

Read also: The top apps to boost team productivity

8. SaltStack – For configuration management

Tool description:

  • SaltStack is one of the powerful productivity tools providing Python-based configuration management and automation tool.
  • It excels in managing large-scale infrastructure with robust remote execution capabilities. SaltStack excels in infrastructure management, making it easier to handle large-scale environments.
  • SaltStack supports real-time event-driven automation and integrates well with cloud and container technologies.


  • Python-based configuration management and automation platform
  • Robust remote execution capabilities
  • Event-driven automation for real-time responses
  • Integrates with cloud and container technologies


  • Free open-source version
  • Enterprise: $150 per machine per year


SaltStack is a powerful automation tool. Its robust remote execution capabilities and event-driven automation make managing large-scale infrastructures more efficient.

9. F.lux – For redusing eye strain

Tool description:

  • F.lux adjusts your computer’s color temperature according to the time of day, reducing eye strain and improving sleep quality. F.lux helps manage screen time by adjusting the display’s color temperature based on the time of day.
  • It automatically adapts to your geographic location to match local sunrise and sunset times. F.lux is customizable and free, making it a great tool for developers who work long hours.


  • Adjusts color temperature to reduce eye strain
  • Customizable color temperatures and schedules
  • Automatically adjusts based on geographic location


  • Completely free


In my experience, f.lux has been incredibly helpful for reducing eye strain. By adjusting the color temperature of my screen, it makes long coding sessions much more comfortable.

10. Mermaid JS – For diagram creation

Tool description:

  • Mermaid JS allows engineering teams to create diagrams and flowcharts using a simple text-based syntax.
  • It supports various types of diagrams, including flowcharts, sequence diagrams, and Gantt charts.
  • The tool integrates with popular code editors and is free to use, making it ideal for visualizing complex workflows. Mermaid JS is perfect for workflow visualization, making it easier to understand complex processes.


  • Text-based syntax for creating diagrams and flowcharts
  • Supports various diagram types like flowcharts, sequence diagrams, and Gantt charts
  • Customizable appearance for diagrams


  • Free-to-use


Software developers find Mermaid JS to be a simple yet powerful tool for creating diagrams. Its text-based syntax is easy to learn, making it a great option for visualizing complex workflows and concepts.

Timeular is a highly effective tool for software developers to manage time

Features to look for when choosing a developer productivity tool

When selecting productivity tools for developers and software engineers, maximizing value across the entire team is crucial. Balancing features that enhance developers’ work without steep learning curves is key to optimizing productivity tools.

From extensive code editing capabilities to seamless integration with project management, testing, and version control systems, these tools streamline workflows and foster collaboration.

Ensuring easy integration into the team’s ecosystem with robust documentation and customization options further enhances the software development process, boosting efficiency and impact across projects.

  • Extensive code editing capabilities: Syntax highlighting, intelligent code completion, code refactoring, support for multiple programming languages, plugins/extensions.
  • Efficient project management: Task creation, assignment, project cost tracking, timelines, Kanban boards, integration with popular tools.
  • Testing and debugging capabilities: Built-in testing frameworks, automated testing, debugging tools.
  • Version control integration: Integration with systems like Git for managing and tracking code changes.
  • Good communication and collaboration: Real-time messaging, comments, document sharing, screen sharing, integration with tools like Slack or Microsoft Teams.
  • Easy integration in the team’s ecosystem: Compatibility with issue tracking systems, CI/CD platforms, cloud services, and APIs.
  • Documentation/support available: Comprehensive documentation, tutorials, supportive community.
  • Customization possibilities: Customization options, support for extensions, plugins, or APIs.
  • Enhancement of the software development process: Tools that improve the efficiency and effectiveness of the entire software development process, including quality, impact, and collaboration.


The right developer productivity tools can significantly streamline workflows and boost productivity. This compilation offers valuable insights into some of the most cutting-edge tools available today, catering to diverse needs from time tracking and project management to code completion and testing automation.

Measuring developer productivity is crucial, and the right tools can help in this process by providing valuable metrics and insights. Various methods and tools are used in measuring productivity, emphasizing the need for a holistic approach that considers both tangible and intangible aspects of software development.

By carefully evaluating key features, you can find the ideal tool that fits your needs, boosts your efficiency, and enhances your development journey. Optimize your development kit and take your coding productivity to new heights.

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