The Best Leave Management Systems in 2024

Author: Karolina Matyska

Leave management is a crucial aspect of human resource management. Ensuring that employees can efficiently request time off while also maintaining proper records and compliance is vital for any organization. 

Fortunately, several leave management systems (LMS) are available to help automate and streamline this process.

This article will explore the best leave management systems, highlighting their top features and discussing their pros and cons.

Looking for the most effortless leave tracker for your team?

Discover Timeular! Easily manage all types of employee time off in one place: paid time off, sick days, time off in lieu, and many more.

What is a leave management system?

A leave management system is a software solution designed to help organizations effectively manage and automate employee leave and time-off requests. It streamlines the process of requesting, approving, tracking, and managing various types of employee leaves, such as vacation days, sick leave, personal time, maternity or paternity leave, and more. 

Leave management systems, or absence management systems, are commonly used by HR departments and managers to ensure that employee leave requests are handled efficiently and accurately while maintaining compliance with company policies and labor laws.

11 best leave management systems for your organization

1. Timeular

employee leave management software

Timeular is the most effortless PTO tracker and time tracker your team could use for its unmatched blend of efficiency, user-friendliness, and customization when tracking employees’ time off.

With its intuitive interface, employees and HR managers find it incredibly easy to navigate, reducing the learning curve and promoting rapid adoption. 

As a busy manager, I needed a leave tracker that was as efficient as it was user-friendly. Timeular exceeded my expectations with its simplicity and effectiveness. Managing leaves is now a breeze

Andrew W, Team Leader

All-in-one absence tracker

In Timeular, HR teams and managers can manage, approve, or deny time off and keep track of all absences in one place. Moreover, they can set leave type quotas individually for each employee.

hr leave management system

Effortlessly record time off with Timeular employee self- service system

Employees can effortlessly track their time off by adding leave to their Timeular calendar. They can specify the type of absence and its duration and add notes. This can be done both on mobile and desktop. Moreover, employees can export leave and tracked work hours charts directly from the payroll tracker as PDFs to share with the payroll team and HR.

Top Timeular features

  • Track work time and time off
  • Approve, deny, and manage any leave type
  • Automated reports of work time and leaves
  • +3,000 integrations
  • Automatic time tracking
  • Billable tracking
  • Mobile companion
  • Budgets
  • Mobile app for iOS and Android. It also works as Windows and Mac time tracker
Effortless leave and work time tracking & managementNo free plan is available
Automatic time tracking
Advanced reports customization
Billable tracking
Easy budget monitoring

Timeular’s leave tracker has remarkably streamlined our leave management process

Richard Wingfield, Head Geek at Envision Design

Start tracking PTO, vacation and other leave types with Timeular

Easily manage all types of employee time off in one place: paid time off, sick days, time off in lieu, and many more.

2. BambooHR

BambooHR is a popular human resources software platform offering a range of features and tools to streamline HR processes and improve overall HR management. Here are some of the key features related to leave tracking:

  1. Time off tracking: employees can request time off, and managers can approve or deny requests within the system. Accrued PTO balances are also tracked.
  2. Employee self-service: employees can access their personal information, request time off, view pay stubs, and update their profiles, reducing the administrative burden on HR.
  3. Employee database: the tool is centralized for storing all employee information. This includes basic details such as contact information, employment history, and leave information.
  4. Custom reporting: users can create reports and dashboards to analyze leaves.
Comprehensive compliance features customizable reportingPricing may be high for smaller businesses
Integration with other HR toolsUpdates cause some problems
Comprehensive compliance features
Customizable reporting

Read also: Different types of capacity planning

3. Zoho People

zoho people leave management system software

Zoho People is a cloud-based human resources management system offering various HR features to help organizations streamline their HR processes. One of its prominent features is leave tracking. Let’s dive into it.

  • Track any leave type: Zoho People provides a centralized platform to manage all leave aspects, including accrual policies, leave types (sick, vacation, unpaid, etc.), and custom leave categories.
  • Employee self-service: employees can easily apply for leave, view their leave balances, and track the status of their leave requests through the self-service portal.
  • Custom leave policies: administrators can configure and implement customized leave policies to match their organization’s specific requirements.
  • Leave approvals: Managers can review and approve/deny leave requests online, streamlining the approval process and ensuring compliance with company policies.
  • Leave Reports: Generate reports to analyze leave trends, monitor employee absenteeism, and ensure compliance with labor regulations.
Ease of usePoor mobile version
Modern features Bad customer support
Integrations with Zoho SuiteLimited advanced analytics

Customer Reviews

“I love the fact that it is extremely user friendly and even the person who isn’t very tech-savvy can use it with sufficient training” – GetApp

“The lack of decent support even for a paid plan, and lack of basic features, only shows what low quality/bar they have set out for themselves.” – Capterra

Read also: The best remote time tracking app for employees

4. Workday

Workday employee attendance and leave management system

Workday is a widely used cloud-based HR and finance management software. It stands out as a leave management software with its comprehensive HR suite, making it ideal for large organizations. Its real-time reporting and scalability make it a powerful tool. However, smaller companies might find its implementation process challenging.

Top features

  • Flexible leave policies: Workday allows organizations to configure and customize leave policies to match their specific requirements, including accrual rates, eligibility criteria, and leave types (e.g., vacation, sick leave, unpaid leave).
  • Employee self-service: employees can easily request time off, view their leave balances, and check the status of their leave requests through a user-friendly self-service portal.
  • Manager approval workflows: enable managers to review and approve/deny requests within the platform.
  • Integration with payroll: leave data seamlessly integrates with payroll, ensuring accurate calculation of wages and deductions based on leave taken.
Suitable for large organizationsComplex implementation for smaller companies
Robust reporting and analytics
Integration with other HR functions
Strong global support

Customer Reviews

“Overall very positive experience with a good balance between ease of use and customizability.” – GetApp

“More cons than pros, I’m afraid. The training was long, extensive, and confusing.” – GetApp

5. Calamari

Calamari employee holiday management system

Calamari is an absence management system that offers an easy-to-use interface for both employees and managers.

Its integration with Slack enhances communication, and geolocation tracking is a boon for organizations with remote workers. However, it may not have all the advanced HR features some larger enterprises require.

Top features for leave tracking:

  • Leave calendar: Calamari provides a visual leave calendar that displays employees’ leave schedules, making it easy for HR and managers to plan staffing and workload distribution.
  • Leave balances: real-time leave balances help employees and managers make informed decisions when requesting time off.
  • Employee self-service: employees can easily submit leave requests, view their leave balances, and track the status of their requests through a user-friendly self-service portal.
  • Custom leave reports: generate reports to analyze leave trends, monitor attendance, and ensure compliance with leave policies and labor regulations.

User-friendly for employees and managersMay lack advanced HR features
Affordable pricingNo connection with Google apps
Slack integration for seamless communication
Geolocation tracking for remote work

Customer Reviews

“It’s a friendly user application, easy to navigate yourself through it. Additionally, they have an amazing customer service team always willing to solve any issues in a timely manner.” – GetApp

“The set up was not as easy as we thought and the support we had from Calamari was very limited and many times the answers to our questions were not helpful or off-topic.” – Capterra

Related also:

6. Sage HR

Sage HR

SageHR is known for its user-friendly interface and integration with Google Workspace.

Its affordability and mobile accessibility make it suitable for smaller organizations. However, it may lack some advanced HR features like AI and predictive analytics, global HR compliance and advanced employee surveys.

Top features

Approval Workflows: leave requests can be routed through predefined approval workflows, ensuring that they are reviewed and approved by the appropriate managers or supervisors.

  • Employee Self-Service: employees can easily submit leave requests, check their leave balances, and view the status of their requests through an intuitive self-service portal.
  • Employee Database: maintain a centralized database of employee information, including personal details, contact information, employment history, and performance records.
  • Attendance Tracking: beyond leave management, Sage HR offers attendance tracking features to monitor employee work hours, clock-ins and clock-outs, and overtime.
User-friendly interfaceLimited advanced HR features
Seamless Google Workspace integrationNo phone support
Affordable pricing
Mobile accessibility

Read also: The guide to reduce overtime

How to choose the best leave management software?

Choosing the best leave management software for your organization is a critical decision that can have a significant impact on HR efficiency and employee satisfaction. To make an informed choice, consider the following factors:

Understand your needs and objectives

Begin by assessing your organization’s specific needs and objectives. What are the primary challenges you aim to address with a leave management system? Understanding your goals will guide your selection process.

User-friendly interface

Ensure the LMS has a user-friendly interface for both employees and HR managers. An intuitive system reduces the learning curve and encourages adoption.

Compliance and legal requirements

Verify that the system can handle various leave types (e.g., vacation, sick leave, family leave) and comply with labor laws and company policies. Look for features that help you stay compliant.

Customization options

Evaluate the system’s ability to customize leave policies, accrual rates, approval workflows, and notification settings to align with your organization’s unique requirements.

Integration capabilities

Check if the LMS can seamlessly integrate with your existing HR software, payroll systems, and calendars. Integration ensures data accuracy and reduces manual data entry.


Consider the scalability of the system. Will it accommodate your organization’s growth and changing needs over time? A scalable solution can save you from having to switch systems as your company expands.

Reporting and analytics

Look for robust reporting and analytics features. The ability to generate reports on leave balances, trends, and absenteeism rates can provide valuable insights for HR planning.

Mobile accessibility

In today’s mobile-driven world, mobile accessibility is crucial. Ensure that the system offers a mobile app or responsive design to enable employees and managers to access it on the go.

Cost and budget

Determine your budget and compare it with the pricing models of different leave management software providers. Consider not only the initial setup costs but also ongoing subscription fees and any potential additional costs.

User feedback and references

Read reviews and seek references from organizations that have implemented the leave management system you’re considering. Real-world experiences from other users can provide valuable insights.

Demo and trial

Request a demo or a free trial of the LMS to explore its features and functionality firsthand. This allows you to assess whether it aligns with your organization’s needs.

Feedback from users

Collect input from HR managers and employees who will be using the system. Their feedback can help you understand how well the LMS aligns with their needs and expectations.

time and leave management

5 Benefits of using absence management software

  1. Efficiency – Automating leave requests and approvals streamlines the entire process, reducing the time HR staff and managers spend on administrative tasks. This is a great way to increase work productivity.
  2. Reduction in leave abuse – By tracking and managing leave requests systematically, LMS helps prevent leave abuse or unauthorized absences, improving overall workforce discipline.
  3. Accurate leave accruals – Leave accruals are automatically calculated and updated in the system, reducing the risk of errors in tracking employee balances and accrual rates.
  4. Cost savings – By automating leave management processes and reducing the risk of errors, LMS can lead to cost savings in terms of administrative overhead and potential legal compliance issues.
  5. Employee satisfaction – Streamlined leave processes, self-service options, and clear communication contribute to improved employee satisfaction and engagement.


In this article, we’ve emphasized the importance of effective leave management in HR and introduced several leave management systems (LMS) to automate and streamline the process. A leave management system is designed to simplify the request, approval, tracking, and management of various employee leaves, ensuring compliance with company policies and labor laws. Here are our top recommendations as leave tracking solutions:

  1. Timeular
  2. BambooHR
  3. Zoho People
  4. Workday
  5. Calamari
  6. Sage HR

Timeular stands out as the most effortless and intuitive leave-tracking tool. HR teams can manage, approve, or deny time off in one place and employees can easily record their time off using Timeular’s self-service system.

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